How much water should I drink per day?

And how much is too much?

We will explain how much water you need and how to know if you’re drinking enough.

What are the advantages of consuming water?

Our bodies consist of about 60% water. Water is essential for our bodies to work properly. Without water, we cannot survive for more than a few days.

What are the benefits of drinking water?
Maintaining body temperature.
Keeping your mouth hygienic
Lubricating your joints and safeguarding delicate tissues
Eliminating detrimental wastes via urine, perspiration, and feces
Delivering nutrients to organs through your bloodstream

Is it necessary to drink 8 glasses of water daily?

No evidence supports the idea that you must drink 8 glasses or 2 liters of water daily. Research shows most people get enough water from their food and drinks.

Every beverage, such as tea, coffee, juice, and soda, includes water. Most people get 70% to 80% of their fluids from these drinks and regular water.

Most people derive the remaining 20% to 30% of their total fluid intake from food. These foods include fruits and vegetables.

What is the daily recommended intake?

There is no set amount of water that everyone should drink. It varies for each person. However, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies has set guidelines:

Men who are properly hydrated consume approximately 3.7 liters (125 ounces) each day.
Women who are properly hydrated consume approximately 2.7 liters (91 ounces) each day.
Nonetheless, the amount of water required can vary from person to person, influenced by several elements:

Bigger people may require more water because water makes up most of an adult’s body. For a basic estimate, halve your weight in pounds. This number represents the daily water intake in ounces you should aim for.
This number shows how much water you should drink every day. For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should aim to drink about 100 ounces of water daily. This amount is equal to 3 liters.
If you live in a hot or dry area, you might have to drink extra. This is because you lose fluids through sweating. During the warmer seasons of the year, it might be necessary to increase your fluid intake.
When you work out, drink more liquids to stay hydrated, especially in hot places or at high altitudes.
Your body loses water during exercise, even if you don’t sweat a lot.
Health: Certain health problems can make you lose more fluids. These include high blood sugar, high body temperature, urinary tract infections, and digestive issues that cause vomiting or diarrhea.
These signs can occur in various situations. High blood sugar levels could indicate diabetes or other health issues. A high body temperature might indicate a fever or infection.
Urinary tract infections are common and can cause discomfort and pain. Various things, like food poisoning or stomach infections, can lead to vomiting or diarrhea.
To stay hydrated, make sure to eat and drink regularly. If you drink when you feel thirsty, you are probably getting enough water. Unless your doctor advises otherwise, there is no need to stress about how much water you consume.

How much water should older adults drink?

Older adults should aim to drink an adequate amount of water to stay hydrated. While there isn’t a specific recommendation for older adults.

How you know if you are getting enough water

A simple way to check if you are hydrated enough is to look at the color of your urine. Ideally, it should be clear or light yellow. If it is dark yellow, brown, or amber, you need to drink more water.

Not drinking enough can cause dehydration, when the body lacks enough water to function properly. You can typically handle mild-to-moderate dehydration by simply increasing your intake.

Symptoms of mild-to-moderate dehydration are your body’s method of signaling that you require more. These signs include:

Urine that is dark or has a strong odor
Mouth that feels dry
Feeling of thirst
Experiencing headaches
Urinating less often
Cramps in the muscles
At times, you may not have sufficient water to properly hydrate yourself. This can occur when you are unable to consume enough food or drinks to meet your body’s needs.

For instance, you might have a pre-existing health issue that hinders your ability to consume sufficient water. These are usually conditions that impact your:

Brain (such as dementia)
Oral issues (such as inflammation or oral cancer)
Difficulty in swallowing (such as a stroke)
There’s also a risk of losing more water than you can replace by drinking. This could happen if you have a severe infection leading to a high fever, uncontrollable vomiting, or diarrhea. It could also occur if you have a medical condition or are taking medication that causes frequent urination.

Your doctor may give you liquid medicine to take or put fluids directly into your vein, depending on what you need. Rehydration solutions restore both water and essential electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.

Can you drink too much water?

Although rare, it is possible to drink too much. Excessive hydration can result in a medical condition known as hyponatremia.

Not having enough sodium in the body can cause cells, including those in the brain, to swell up. This swelling can result in severe symptoms like confusion or irritability, which can be dangerous.
Sickness and regurgitation
Muscular spasms or frailty
Usually, overhydration happens with:

Sportspeople who try to avoid dehydration by consuming excessive amounts during intense activity
Individuals suffering from ailments like heart failure and kidney disease, which result in their body retaining it
Individuals with pre-existing health issues that trigger abnormal thirst, compelling them to drink high quantities
Drinking too much water quickly can cause hyponatremia. This can happen even if a person is healthy and doesn’t have any other conditions.

What is too much water?

There isn’t a defined limit to how much is excessive. If you consume a large quantities, consult your physician. Together, you can determine the appropriate daily fluid intake to maintain hydration.

Do caffeinated beverages help hydration?

Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea, do contribute to your daily fluid intake. Caffeine makes you pee more and can cause you to lose more fluids.

Do Sports drinks help hydration?

Sports drinks can help with hydration, especially during intense physical activity or prolonged exercise.


Most people stay hydrated by drinking when they feel thirsty. Instead of counting how much water you drink, listen to your body. If you have a medical condition or are concerned about not drinking enough water, ask your doctor for advice.

Although other drinks and foods can give you hydrate you, drinking pure water is the healthiest way to stay hydrated. Remember that every part of your body needs water, and it’s rare to drink too much of it.

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This information is for your understanding only. It is not a substitute for a diagnosis, advice, or treatment from a doctor or nurse. If you have questions about a medical condition, please consult a qualified medical professional. Do not ignore, dismiss, or postpone seeking medical advice or treatment based on this information.