
Okamet 500 – 150 Tablets @.33

Original price was: $54.50.Current price is: $49.50.

Okamet 500 tablets are prescribed for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes. Especially when exercise and diet cannot alone lower blood sugar levels. Oakmet tablets contain the FDA approved Metformin which is used to treat Diabetes Mellitus.

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Okamet 500

Okamet 500 tablets are prescribed for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes. Especially when exercise and diet cannot alone lower blood sugar levels. Okamet tablets contain the FDA approved Metformin which is used to treat Diabetes Mellitus.

Order your Okamet 500 tablets today and get control over your blood sugar levels.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is the name of the disease when your glucose or blood sugar level is elevated or high. However, you need blood glucose. Blood glucose is your energy source.

How common is Diabetes?

According to the Center for Disease Control over 463 million adults have diabetes on a world wide basis. In the United States over 10% of the population is afflicted with Diabetes. That is a number of over 34 million adults.

What are the different types of Diabetes?

The most common forms are Type 1, Type 2 and also Gestational Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes

This is when you body does not create insulin. Your own immune system incorrectly attacks you pancreas and this stops the production of insulin.

It is most often found in children or young adults. Those afflicted with Type 1 Diabetes need to administer Insulin daily to live.

Type 2 Diabetes

This occurs when you either do not make enough insulin or your body does not process your insulin properly.

Type 2 Diabetes can occur at any age but is mainly diagnosed in middle age and older patients.

The most common diabetes is Type 2 Diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes

This type of Diabetes occurs affects woman when they are pregnant. It most often ceases after child birth. However, woman who have Gestational Diabetes have a greater chance of having Type 2 Diabetes later.

-Where does blood glucose come from?

Glucose comes from food that is eaten

What health issues can be brought on by Diabetes?

Diabetes can lead to:

Kidney Disease


Heart Disease

Eye and Dental issues

Nerve Damage

Foot issue

What are Okamet 500 tablets?

Okamet 500 tablets are classified as biguanides. This is a class of anti-diabetic medicines. Their specific function is to lower the level of glucose in person suffering from Type 2 Diabetes.

When is Okamet 500 prescribed?

They are prescribed when exercise and diet alone are not sufficient to lower blood sugar.

How does Okamet 500 work?

Okamet assists your body in responding to insulin. Okamet, containing Metformin, lowers the blood sugar made in your liver. It then also helps to delay the amount of sugar absorbed by your intestines and stomach.

Side Effects:

Reported side effects are minimal.

But they may include:


Slight taste of metal in mouth


In rare cases too much lactic acid may be produced. This is a condition known as Lactic Acidosis. This can cause drowsiness, dizziness and/or muscle soreness.

Can my sugar fluctuate while taking Okamet 500?

Your sugar levels can fluctuate  while taking Okamet. This may happen during intense exercise, too much alcohol or missing a meal. If you have any concerns about sugar level fluctuation consult you medical care giver.

How do I get the most out of Okamet 500?

To get the best results living a healthy life is the start. Exercise is not only good for your physical and mental well being but it also helps to lower your body weight. And eating healthy including less less fat, sugar and processed fast foods.

Also, avoid excessive intake of alcohol and smoking of any kind.


Store in a cool, humid free location out of the reach of children.


Any information displayed is solely for purposes of information. Said displayed information is not intended nor desired to replace medical advice. Nor substitute diagnosis or treatment by medical professionals or healthcare providers. If you have any questions regarding any medical condition please seek the advice of a qualified medical professional. Do Not ignore, disregard or delay seeking medical advice or treatment due to something you seen on this website.


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